interface documentation


Method connectSSL Connect a client Protocol to a remote SSL socket.
Method listenSSL Connects a given protocol factory to the given numeric TCP/IP port. The connection is a SSL one, using contexts created by the context factory.
def connectSSL(host: str, port: int, factory: ClientFactory, contextFactory: ClientContextFactory, timeout: float, bindAddress: tuple[str, int] | None) -> IConnector: (source)

Connect a client Protocol to a remote SSL socket.

host:stra host name
port:inta port number
factory:ClientFactorya twisted.internet.protocol.ClientFactory instance
contextFactory:ClientContextFactorya twisted.internet.ssl.ClientContextFactory object.
timeout:floatnumber of seconds to wait before assuming the connection has failed.
bindAddress:tuple[str, int] | Nonea (host, port) tuple of local address to bind to, or None.
IConnectorAn object which provides IConnector.
def listenSSL(port: int, factory: ServerFactory, contextFactory: IOpenSSLContextFactory, backlog: int, interface: str) -> IListeningPort: (source)

Connects a given protocol factory to the given numeric TCP/IP port. The connection is a SSL one, using contexts created by the context factory.

port:inta port number on which to listen
factory:ServerFactorya twisted.internet.protocol.ServerFactory instance
contextFactory:IOpenSSLContextFactoryan implementor of IOpenSSLContextFactory
backlog:intsize of the listen queue
interface:strthe hostname to bind to, defaults to '' (all)