package documentation
Twisted Persisted: Utilities for managing persistence.
Module | aot |
AOT: Abstract Object Trees The source-code-marshallin'est abstract-object-serializin'est persister this side of Marmalade! |
Module | crefutil |
Utility classes for dealing with circular references. |
Module | dirdbm |
DBM-style interface to a directory. |
Module | sob |
Save and load Small OBjects to and from files, using various formats. |
Module | styles |
Different styles of persisted objects. |
Module | _token |
FIXME: This can be removed once t.persisted.aot is removed. New code should not make use of this. |
Module | _tokenize |
FIXME: This can be removed once t.persisted.aot is removed. New code should not make use of this. |