module documentation

This module contains the trial distributed runner, the management class responsible for coordinating all of trial's behavior at the highest level.

Present Since
Interface IDistTrialReactor The reactor interfaces required by disttrial.
Class DistTrialRunner A specialized runner for distributed trial. The runner launches a number of local worker processes which will run tests.
Class StartedWorkerPool A pool of workers which have already been started.
Class WorkerPool Manage a fixed-size collection of child processes which can run tests.
Class WorkerPoolConfig Configuration parameters for a pool of test-running workers.
Async Function runTests Undocumented
Function shouldContinue Determine whether the test suite should be iterated again.
Function _defaultReactor Get the default reactor, ensuring it is suitable for use with disttrial.


def shouldContinue(untilFailure: bool, result: IReporter) -> bool: (source)

Determine whether the test suite should be iterated again.

untilFailure:boolTrue if the suite is supposed to run until failure.
result:IReporterThe test result of the test suite iteration which just completed.
def _defaultReactor() -> IDistTrialReactor: (source)

Get the default reactor, ensuring it is suitable for use with disttrial.