class documentation

class StartedWorkerPool: (source)

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A pool of workers which have already been started.

Async Method join Shut down all of the workers in the pool.
Async Method run Run an action on all of the workers in the pool.
Instance Variable ampWorkers AMP protocol instances corresponding to the worker child processes.
Instance Variable testDirLock An object representing the cooperative lock this pool holds on its working directory.
Instance Variable testLog The open overall test log file.
Instance Variable workers Objects corresponding to the worker child processes and adapting between process-related interfaces and IProtocol.
Instance Variable workingDirectory A directory holding the working directories for each of the workers.
Class Variable _logger Undocumented
async def join(self): (source)

Shut down all of the workers in the pool.

The pool is unusable after this method is called.

async def run(self, workerAction: WorkerAction[Any]): (source)

Run an action on all of the workers in the pool.

AMP protocol instances corresponding to the worker child processes.

An object representing the cooperative lock this pool holds on its working directory.

The open overall test log file.

Objects corresponding to the worker child processes and adapting between process-related interfaces and IProtocol.

workingDirectory: FilePath[Any] = (source)

A directory holding the working directories for each of the workers.
