class documentation

class UNIXChecker: (source)

Implements interfaces: twisted.cred.checkers.ICredentialsChecker

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A credentials checker for a UNIX server. This will check that an authenticating username/password is a valid user on the system.

Does not work on Windows.

Right now this supports Python's pwd and spwd modules, if they are installed. It does not support PAM.

Method checkPwd Obtain the encrypted password for username from the Unix password database using pwd.getpwnam, and see if it it matches it matches password.
Method checkSpwd Obtain the encrypted password for username from the Unix shadow password database using spwd.getspnam, and see if it it matches it matches password.
Method requestAvatarId Validate credentials and produce an avatar ID.
Class Variable credentialInterfaces A list of sub-interfaces of ICredentials which specifies which I may check.
def checkPwd(self, pwd, username, password): (source)

Obtain the encrypted password for username from the Unix password database using pwd.getpwnam, and see if it it matches it matches password.

pwd:moduleModule which provides functions which access to the Unix password database.
username:unicode/str or bytesThe user to look up in the Unix password database.
passwordThe password to compare.
def checkSpwd(self, spwd, username, password): (source)

Obtain the encrypted password for username from the Unix shadow password database using spwd.getspnam, and see if it it matches it matches password.

spwd:moduleModule which provides functions which access to the Unix shadow password database.
username:unicode/str or bytesThe user to look up in the Unix password database.
passwordThe password to compare.
def requestAvatarId(self, credentials): (source)

Validate credentials and produce an avatar ID.

credentialssomething which implements one of the interfaces in credentialInterfaces.
a Deferred which will fire with a bytes that identifies an avatar, an empty tuple to specify an authenticated anonymous user (provided as twisted.cred.checkers.ANONYMOUS) or fail with UnauthorizedLogin. Alternatively, return the result itself.
See Also
credentialInterfaces = (source)

A list of sub-interfaces of ICredentials which specifies which I may check.