module documentation

Interfaces for twisted.mail.

Present Since
Interface IAccountIMAP Interface for Account classes
Interface IAlias An interface for aliases.
Interface IAliasableDomain An interface for email domains which can be aliased to other domains.
Interface IChallengeResponse An IMAPrev4 authorization challenge mechanism.
Interface IClientAuthentication No interface docstring; 2/2 methods documented
Interface ICloseableMailboxIMAP A supplementary interface for mailboxes which require cleanup on close.
Interface IDomain An interface for email domains.
Interface IMailboxIMAP No interface docstring; 15/15 methods documented
Interface IMailboxIMAPInfo Interface specifying only the methods required for listMailboxes.
Interface IMailboxIMAPListener Interface for objects interested in mailbox events
Interface IMailboxPOP3 An interface for mailbox access.
Interface IMessageDelivery No interface docstring; 3/3 methods documented
Interface IMessageDeliveryFactory An alternate interface to implement for handling message delivery.
Interface IMessageIMAP No interface docstring; 3/3 methods documented
Interface IMessageIMAPCopier No interface docstring; 1/1 method documented
Interface IMessageIMAPFile Optional message interface for representing messages as files.
Interface IMessageIMAPPart No interface docstring; 5/5 methods documented
Interface IMessageSMTP Interface definition for messages that can be sent via SMTP.
Interface INamespacePresenter No interface docstring; 3/3 methods documented
Interface ISearchableIMAPMailbox No interface docstring; 1/1 method documented
Interface IServerFactoryPOP3 An interface for querying capabilities of a POP3 server.