class documentation

class NonStreamingProducer: (source)

Constructor: NonStreamingProducer(consumer)

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A pull producer which writes 10 times only.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method pauseProducing An implementation of IPushProducer.pauseProducing. This should never be called on a pull producer, so this just raises an error.
Method resumeProducing Write the counter value once.
Method stopProducing Stop all production.
Class Variable counter Undocumented
Instance Variable consumer Undocumented
Instance Variable result Undocumented
Instance Variable stopped Undocumented
Method _done Fire a Deferred so that users can wait for this to complete.
def __init__(self, consumer): (source)


def pauseProducing(self): (source)

An implementation of IPushProducer.pauseProducing. This should never be called on a pull producer, so this just raises an error.

def resumeProducing(self): (source)

Write the counter value once.

def stopProducing(self): (source)

Stop all production.


consumer = (source)




def _done(self): (source)

Fire a Deferred so that users can wait for this to complete.