class documentation

class _OptionState: (source)

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Represents the state of an option on both sides of a telnet connection.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Instance Variable him The state of the option on the other side of the connection.
Instance Variable us The state of the option on this side of the connection.
Class _Perspective Represents the state of an option on side of the telnet connection. Some options can be enabled on a particular side of the connection (RFC 1073 for example: only the client can have NAWS enabled). Other options can be enabled on either or both sides (such as RFC 1372: each side can have its own flow control state).
def __init__(self): (source)


def __repr__(self) -> str: (source)


The state of the option on the other side of the connection.

The state of the option on this side of the connection.