class documentation


Method groupMetaUpdate Callback notifying this user that the metadata for the given group has changed.
Method receive Callback notifying this user of the given message sent by the given user.
Method userJoined Callback notifying this user that the given user has joined the given group.
Method userLeft Callback notifying this user that the given user has left the given group for the given reason.
Class Variable name A short string, unique among users. This will be set by the IChatService at login time.

Inherited from RemoteReference:

Method __cmp__ No summary
Method __del__ Do distributed reference counting on finalization.
Method __hash__ Hash me.
Method __init__ (internal) Initialize me with a broker and a locally-unique ID.
Method callRemote Asynchronously invoke a remote method.
Method dontNotifyOnDisconnect Remove a callback that was registered with notifyOnDisconnect.
Method jellyFor If I am being sent back to where I came from, serialize as a local backreference.
Method notifyOnDisconnect Register a callback to be called if our broker gets disconnected.
Method remoteMethod No summary
Method unjellyFor Unjelly myself for the jellier.
Instance Variable broker The broker I am obtained through.
Instance Variable disconnectCallbacks Undocumented
Instance Variable doRefCount Undocumented
Instance Variable luid Undocumented
Instance Variable perspective Undocumented
Method _disconnected Called if we are disconnected and have callbacks registered.

Inherited from Serializable (via RemoteReference):

Method processUniqueID Return an ID which uniquely represents this object for this process.

Inherited from Jellyable (via RemoteReference, Serializable):

Method getStateFor Undocumented

Inherited from Ephemeral (via RemoteReference, Serializable, Jellyable):

Method __getstate__ Undocumented
Method __reduce__ Serialize any subclass of Ephemeral in a way which replaces it with Ephemeral itself.
Method __setstate__ Undocumented
Instance Variable __class__ Undocumented
def groupMetaUpdate(self, group, meta): (source)

Callback notifying this user that the metadata for the given group has changed.

def receive(self, sender, recipient, message): (source)

Callback notifying this user of the given message sent by the given user.

This will be invoked whenever another user sends a message to a group this user is participating in, or whenever another user sends a message directly to this user. In the former case, recipient will be the group to which the message was sent; in the latter, it will be the same object as the user who is receiving the message.

recipient:IUser or IGroupUndocumented
twisted.internet.defer.DeferredA Deferred which fires when the message has been delivered, or which fails in some way. If the Deferred fails and the message was directed at a group, this user will be removed from that group.
def userJoined(self, group, user): (source)

Callback notifying this user that the given user has joined the given group.

def userLeft(self, group, user, reason=None): (source)

Callback notifying this user that the given user has left the given group for the given reason.


A short string, unique among users. This will be set by the IChatService at login time.