class documentation

class IRCUser(irc.IRC): (source)

Implements interfaces: twisted.words.iwords.IChatClient

View In Hierarchy

Protocol instance representing an IRC user connected to the server.

Method connectionLost Called when the connection is shut down.
Method connectionMade Called when a connection is made.
Method groupMetaUpdate Callback notifying this user that the metadata for the given group has changed.
Method irc_JOIN Join message
Method irc_LIST List query
Method irc_MODE User mode message
Method irc_NAMES Names message
Method irc_NICK Nick message -- Set your nickname.
Method irc_NICKSERV_PRIVMSG Send a (private) message.
Method irc_OPER Oper message
Method irc_PART Part message
Method irc_PASS Password message -- Register a password.
Method irc_PING Ping message
Method irc_PRIVMSG Send a (private) message.
Method irc_QUIT Quit
Method irc_TOPIC Topic message
Method irc_USER User message -- Set your realname.
Method irc_USERHOST Userhost message
Method irc_WHO Who query
Method irc_WHOIS Whois query
Method list Send a group of LIST response lines
Method logInAs Undocumented
Method receive Callback notifying this user of the given message sent by the given user.
Method sendMessage Send a line formatted as an IRC message.
Method userJoined Callback notifying this user that the given user has joined the given group.
Method userLeft Callback notifying this user that the given user has left the given group for the given reason.
Class Variable encoding Undocumented
Class Variable groups Undocumented
Instance Variable avatar Undocumented
Instance Variable hostname Undocumented
Instance Variable logout Undocumented
Instance Variable name A short string, unique among users. This will be set by the IChatService at login time.
Instance Variable nickname Undocumented
Instance Variable password Undocumented
Instance Variable realm Undocumented
Instance Variable realname Undocumented
Method _cbLogin Undocumented
Method _channelMode Undocumented
Method _channelWho Undocumented
Method _ebLogin Undocumented
Method _getTopic Undocumented
Method _sendTopic Send the topic of the given group to this user, if it has one.
Method _setTopic Undocumented
Method _userMode Undocumented
Method _userWho Undocumented
Class Variable _motdMessages Undocumented
Class Variable _welcomeMessages Undocumented

Inherited from IRC:

Method action Send an action to a channel or user.
Method channelMode Send information about the mode of a channel.
Method dataReceived This hack is to support mIRC, which sends LF only, even though the RFC says CRLF. (Also, the flexibility of LineReceiver to turn "line mode" on and off was not required.)
Method handleCommand Determine the function to call for the given command and call it with the given arguments.
Method irc_unknown Called by handleCommand on a command that doesn't have a defined handler. Subclasses should override this method.
Method join Send a join message.
Method names Send the names of a channel's participants to a user.
Method notice Send a "notice" to a channel or user.
Method part Send a part message.
Method privmsg Send a message to a channel or user
Method sendCommand Send to the remote peer a line formatted as an IRC message.
Method sendLine Undocumented
Method topic Send the topic to a user.
Method topicAuthor Send the author of and time at which a topic was set for the given channel.
Method who Send a list of users participating in a channel.
Method whois Send information about the state of a particular user.
Instance Variable buffer Undocumented
Instance Variable channels Undocumented
Method _escapeTagValue Escape the given tag value according to escaping rules in IRCv3.
Method _stringTags Converts a tag dictionary to a string.
Method _validateTags Checks the tag dict for errors and raises ValueError if an error is found.

Inherited from Protocol (via IRC):

Method logPrefix Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance.
Class Variable factory Undocumented

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via IRC, Protocol):

Method makeConnection Make a connection to a transport and a server.
Instance Variable connected Undocumented
Instance Variable transport Undocumented
def connectionLost(self, reason): (source)

Called when the connection is shut down.

Clear any circular references here, and any external references to this Protocol. The connection has been closed.

def connectionMade(self): (source)

Called when a connection is made.

This may be considered the initializer of the protocol, because it is called when the connection is completed. For clients, this is called once the connection to the server has been established; for servers, this is called after an accept() call stops blocking and a socket has been received. If you need to send any greeting or initial message, do it here.

def groupMetaUpdate(self, group, meta): (source)

Callback notifying this user that the metadata for the given group has changed.

def irc_JOIN(self, prefix, params): (source)

Join message

Parameters: ( <channel> *( "," <channel> ) [ <key> *( "," <key> ) ] )

def irc_LIST(self, prefix, params): (source)

List query

Return information about the indicated channels, or about all channels if none are specified.

Parameters: [ <channel> *( "," <channel> ) [ <target> ] ]

def irc_MODE(self, prefix, params): (source)

User mode message

Parameters: <nickname> *( ( "+" / "-" ) *( "i" / "w" / "o" / "O" / "r" ) )

def irc_NAMES(self, prefix, params): (source)

Names message

Parameters: [ <channel> *( "," <channel> ) [ <target> ] ]

def irc_NICK(self, prefix, params): (source)

Nick message -- Set your nickname.

Parameters: <nickname>


def irc_NICKSERV_PRIVMSG(self, prefix, params): (source)

Send a (private) message.

Parameters: <msgtarget> <text to be sent>

def irc_OPER(self, prefix, params): (source)

Oper message

Parameters: <name> <password>

def irc_PART(self, prefix, params): (source)

Part message

Parameters: <channel> *( "," <channel> ) [ <Part Message> ]

def irc_PASS(self, prefix, params): (source)

Password message -- Register a password.

Parameters: <password>


Note that IRC requires the client send this *before* NICK and USER.

def irc_PING(self, prefix, params): (source)

Ping message

Parameters: <server1> [ <server2> ]

def irc_PRIVMSG(self, prefix, params): (source)

Send a (private) message.

Parameters: <msgtarget> <text to be sent>

def irc_QUIT(self, prefix, params): (source)


Parameters: [ <Quit Message> ]

def irc_TOPIC(self, prefix, params): (source)

Topic message

Parameters: <channel> [ <topic> ]

def irc_USER(self, prefix, params): (source)

User message -- Set your realname.

Parameters: <user> <mode> <unused> <realname>

def irc_USERHOST(self, prefix, params): (source)

Userhost message

Parameters: <nickname> *( SPACE <nickname> )


def irc_WHO(self, prefix, params): (source)

Who query

Parameters: [ <mask> [ "o" ] ]

def irc_WHOIS(self, prefix, params): (source)

Whois query

Parameters: [ <target> ] <mask> *( "," <mask> )

def list(self, channels): (source)

Send a group of LIST response lines

channels:list of (str, int, str)Information about the channels being sent: their name, the number of participants, and their topic.
def logInAs(self, nickname, password): (source)


def receive(self, sender, recipient, message): (source)

Callback notifying this user of the given message sent by the given user.

This will be invoked whenever another user sends a message to a group this user is participating in, or whenever another user sends a message directly to this user. In the former case, recipient will be the group to which the message was sent; in the latter, it will be the same object as the user who is receiving the message.

recipient:IUser or IGroupUndocumented
twisted.internet.defer.DeferredA Deferred which fires when the message has been delivered, or which fails in some way. If the Deferred fails and the message was directed at a group, this user will be removed from that group.
def sendMessage(self, command, *parameter_list, **kw): (source)

Send a line formatted as an IRC message.

First argument is the command, all subsequent arguments are parameters to that command. If a prefix is desired, it may be specified with the keyword argument 'prefix'.

The sendCommand method is generally preferred over this one. Notably, this method does not support sending message tags, while the sendCommand method does.

def userJoined(self, group, user): (source)

Callback notifying this user that the given user has joined the given group.

def userLeft(self, group, user, reason=None): (source)

Callback notifying this user that the given user has left the given group for the given reason.





A short string, unique among users. This will be set by the IChatService at login time.

nickname = (source)


password = (source)



realname = (source)


def _cbLogin(self, result): (source)


def _channelMode(self, group, modes=None, *args): (source)


def _channelWho(self, group): (source)


def _ebLogin(self, err, nickname): (source)


def _getTopic(self, channel): (source)


def _sendTopic(self, group): (source)

Send the topic of the given group to this user, if it has one.

def _setTopic(self, channel, topic): (source)


def _userMode(self, user, modes=None): (source)


def _userWho(self, user): (source)


_motdMessages = (source)


_welcomeMessages = (source)
