module documentation

Resource limiting policies.

See Also
See also twisted.protocols.htb for rate limiting.
Class LimitConnectionsByPeer Undocumented
Class LimitTotalConnectionsFactory Factory that limits the number of simultaneous connections.
Class ProtocolWrapper Wraps protocol instances and acts as their transport as well.
Class SpewingFactory Undocumented
Class SpewingProtocol Undocumented
Class ThrottlingFactory Throttles bandwidth and number of connections.
Class ThrottlingProtocol Protocol for ThrottlingFactory.
Class TimeoutFactory Factory for TimeoutWrapper.
Class TimeoutMixin Mixin for protocols which wish to timeout connections.
Class TimeoutProtocol Protocol that automatically disconnects when the connection is idle.
Class TrafficLoggingFactory No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 1/4 method documented
Class TrafficLoggingProtocol No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 1/9 method documented
Class WrappingFactory Wraps a factory and its protocols, and keeps track of them.
Function _wrappedLogPrefix Compute a log prefix for a wrapper and the object it wraps.
def _wrappedLogPrefix(wrapper, wrapped): (source) ΒΆ

Compute a log prefix for a wrapper and the object it wraps.
