module documentation

UNIX Process management.

Do NOT use this module directly - use reactor.spawnProcess() instead.

Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring

Class Process An operating-system Process.
Class ProcessReader ProcessReader
Class ProcessWriter (Internal) Helper class to write into a Process's input pipe.
Class PTYProcess An operating-system Process that uses PTY support.
Function reapAllProcesses Reap all registered processes.
Function registerReapProcessHandler Register a process handler for the given pid, in case reapAllProcesses is called.
Function unregisterReapProcessHandler Unregister a process handler previously registered with registerReapProcessHandler.
Variable detector Undocumented
Variable reapProcessHandlers Undocumented
Class _BaseProcess Base class for Process and PTYProcess.
Class _FDDetector This class contains the logic necessary to decide which of the available system techniques should be used to detect the open file descriptors for the current process. The chosen technique gets monkey-patched into the _listOpenFDs method of this class so that the detection only needs to occur once.
Function _getFileActions Get the file_actions parameter for posix_spawn based on the parameters describing the current process state.
Function _listOpenFDs Use the global detector object to figure out which FD implementation to use.
Variable _PS_CLOSE Undocumented
Variable _PS_DUP2 Undocumented
def reapAllProcesses(): (source)

Reap all registered processes.

def registerReapProcessHandler(pid, process): (source)

Register a process handler for the given pid, in case reapAllProcesses is called.

pidthe pid of the process.
processa process handler.
def unregisterReapProcessHandler(pid, process): (source)

Unregister a process handler previously registered with registerReapProcessHandler.

detector = (source)


reapProcessHandlers: dict[int, _BaseProcess] = (source)


def _getFileActions(fdState: list[tuple[int, bool]], childToParentFD: dict[int, int], doClose: int, doDup2: int) -> list[tuple[int, ...]]: (source)

Get the file_actions parameter for posix_spawn based on the parameters describing the current process state.

fdState:list[tuple[int, bool]]A list of 2-tuples of (file descriptor, close-on-exec flag).
childToParentFD:dict[int, int]Undocumented
doClose:intthe integer to use for the 'close' instruction
doDup2:intthe integer to use for the 'dup2' instruction
list[tuple[int, ...]]Undocumented
def _listOpenFDs(): (source)

Use the global detector object to figure out which FD implementation to use.

_PS_CLOSE: int = (source)


_PS_DUP2: int = (source)
