class documentation

An endpoint for listening on a file descriptor initialized outside of Twisted.

Method __init__ No summary
Method listen Implement IStreamServerEndpoint.listen to start listening on, and then close, self._fileno.
Instance Variable addressFamily Undocumented
Instance Variable fileno Undocumented
Instance Variable reactor Undocumented
Class Variable _setNonBlocking Undocumented
Instance Variable _used A bool indicating whether this endpoint has been used to listen with a factory yet. True if so.
def __init__(self, reactor, fileno, addressFamily): (source)
reactorAn IReactorSocket provider.
filenoAn integer file descriptor corresponding to a listening SOCK_STREAM socket.
addressFamilyThe address family of the socket given by fileno.
def listen(self, factory): (source)

Implement IStreamServerEndpoint.listen to start listening on, and then close, self._fileno.

addressFamily = (source)




_setNonBlocking = (source)


A bool indicating whether this endpoint has been used to listen with a factory yet. True if so.