class documentation

An object representing an NMEA sentence.

The attributes of this objects are raw NMEA protocol data, which are all ASCII bytestrings.

This object contains all the raw NMEA protocol data in a single sentence. Not all of these necessarily have to be present in the sentence. Missing attributes are None when accessed.

Constant ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES Undocumented
Instance Variable altitude The altitude above mean sea level.
Instance Variable altitudeUnits Units in which altitude is expressed. (Always "M" for meters.)
Instance Variable azimuth The azimuth of a satellite in decimal degrees. Optionally suffixed with _N, as with satellitePRN.
Instance Variable dataMode Signals if the data is usable or not.
Instance Variable datestamp A datestamp. ("230394" -> 23 Mar 1994)
Instance Variable elevation The elevation of a satellite in decimal degrees. Optionally suffixed with _N, as with satellitePRN.
Instance Variable fixQuality The quality of the fix.
Instance Variable GSVSentenceIndex The index of this GSV sentence in the GSV sequence.
Instance Variable heightOfGeoidAboveWGS84 The local height of the geoid above the WGS84 ellipsoid model.
Instance Variable heightOfGeoidAboveWGS84Units The units in which the height above the geoid is expressed. (Always "M" for meters.)
Instance Variable horizontalDilutionOfPrecision The dilution of the precision of the position on a plane tangential to the geoid. (HDOP)
Instance Variable latitudeFloat Latitude value. (for example: "1234.567" -> 12 degrees, 34.567 minutes).
Instance Variable latitudeHemisphere Latitudinal hemisphere ("N" or "S").
Instance Variable longitudeFloat Longitude value. See latitudeFloat for an example.
Instance Variable longitudeHemisphere Longitudinal hemisphere ("E" or "W").
Instance Variable magneticVariation The magnetic variation.
Instance Variable magneticVariationDirection The direction of the magnetic variation. One of "E" or "W".
Instance Variable numberOfGSVSentences The total number of GSV sentences in a sequence.
Instance Variable numberOfSatellitesSeen The number of satellites seen by the receiver.
Instance Variable numberOfSatellitesUsed The number of satellites used in computing the fix.
Instance Variable positionDilutionOfPrecision Euclidean norm of HDOP and VDOP.
Instance Variable satellitePRN The unique identifcation number of a particular satellite. Optionally suffixed with _N if multiple satellites are referenced in a sentence, where N in range(4).
Instance Variable signalToNoiseRatio The SNR of a satellite signal, in decibels. Optionally suffixed with _N, as with satellitePRN.
Instance Variable speedInKnots The ground speed, expressed in knots.
Instance Variable timestamp A timestamp. ("123456" -> 12:34:56Z)
Instance Variable trueHeading The true heading.
Instance Variable type The sentence type ("GPGGA", "GPGSV"...).
Instance Variable usedSatellitePRN_N Where int(N) in range(12). The PRN of a satellite used in computing the fix.
Instance Variable verticalDilutionOfPrecision As horizontalDilutionOfPrecision, but for a position on a plane perpendicular to the geoid. (VDOP)
Method _isFirstGSVSentence Tests if this current GSV sentence is the first one in a sequence.
Method _isLastGSVSentence Tests if this current GSV sentence is the final one in a sequence.

Inherited from _BaseSentence:

Method __getattr__ Gets an attribute of this sentence.
Method __init__ Initializes a sentence with parsed sentence data.
Method __repr__ Returns a textual representation of this sentence.
Property presentAttributes An iterable containing the names of the attributes that are present in this sentence.
Instance Variable _sentenceData Undocumented
altitude = (source)

The altitude above mean sea level.

altitudeUnits = (source)

Units in which altitude is expressed. (Always "M" for meters.)

The azimuth of a satellite in decimal degrees. Optionally suffixed with _N, as with satellitePRN.

Signals if the data is usable or not.

datestamp = (source)

A datestamp. ("230394" -> 23 Mar 1994)

elevation = (source)

The elevation of a satellite in decimal degrees. Optionally suffixed with _N, as with satellitePRN.

fixQuality: One of GPGGAFixQualities. = (source)

The quality of the fix.

GSVSentenceIndex = (source)

The index of this GSV sentence in the GSV sequence.

heightOfGeoidAboveWGS84 = (source)

The local height of the geoid above the WGS84 ellipsoid model.

heightOfGeoidAboveWGS84Units = (source)

The units in which the height above the geoid is expressed. (Always "M" for meters.)

horizontalDilutionOfPrecision = (source)

The dilution of the precision of the position on a plane tangential to the geoid. (HDOP)

latitudeFloat = (source)

Latitude value. (for example: "1234.567" -> 12 degrees, 34.567 minutes).

latitudeHemisphere = (source)

Latitudinal hemisphere ("N" or "S").

longitudeFloat = (source)

Longitude value. See latitudeFloat for an example.

longitudeHemisphere = (source)

Longitudinal hemisphere ("E" or "W").

magneticVariation = (source)

The magnetic variation.

magneticVariationDirection = (source)

The direction of the magnetic variation. One of "E" or "W".

numberOfGSVSentences = (source)

The total number of GSV sentences in a sequence.

numberOfSatellitesSeen = (source)

The number of satellites seen by the receiver.

numberOfSatellitesUsed = (source)

The number of satellites used in computing the fix.

positionDilutionOfPrecision = (source)

Euclidean norm of HDOP and VDOP.

satellitePRN = (source)

The unique identifcation number of a particular satellite. Optionally suffixed with _N if multiple satellites are referenced in a sentence, where N in range(4).

signalToNoiseRatio = (source)

The SNR of a satellite signal, in decibels. Optionally suffixed with _N, as with satellitePRN.

speedInKnots = (source)

The ground speed, expressed in knots.

timestamp = (source)

A timestamp. ("123456" -> 12:34:56Z)

trueHeading = (source)

The true heading.

The sentence type ("GPGGA", "GPGSV"...).

usedSatellitePRN_N = (source)

Where int(N) in range(12). The PRN of a satellite used in computing the fix.

verticalDilutionOfPrecision = (source)

As horizontalDilutionOfPrecision, but for a position on a plane perpendicular to the geoid. (VDOP)

def _isFirstGSVSentence(self): (source)

Tests if this current GSV sentence is the first one in a sequence.

boolTrue if this is the first GSV sentence.
def _isLastGSVSentence(self): (source)

Tests if this current GSV sentence is the final one in a sequence.

boolTrue if this is the last GSV sentence.