class documentation

Encapsulate the wire data for unknown record types so that they can pass through the system unchanged.

Present Since
Method __hash__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method decode Load the bytes which are part of this record from the stream and store them unparsed and unmodified.
Method encode Write the raw bytes corresponding to this record's payload to the stream.
Constant TYPE An indicator of what kind of record this is.
Class Variable compareAttributes Undocumented
Class Variable fancybasename Undocumented
Class Variable showAttributes Undocumented
Instance Variable data Wire data which makes up this record.
Instance Variable ttl The maximum number of seconds which this record should be cached.

Inherited from FancyEqMixin:

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __ne__ Undocumented

Inherited from FancyStrMixin (via FancyEqMixin):

Method __str__ Undocumented
def __hash__(self): (source)


def __init__(self, data=b'', ttl=None): (source)


def decode(self, strio, length=None): (source)

Load the bytes which are part of this record from the stream and store them unparsed and unmodified.

def encode(self, strio, compDict=None): (source)

Write the raw bytes corresponding to this record's payload to the stream.

An indicator of what kind of record this is.

compareAttributes: tuple[str, ...] = (source)
fancybasename: str = (source)


Wire data which makes up this record.

The maximum number of seconds which this record should be cached.