class documentation


Method getCollection Undocumented

Inherited from Broker:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method cachedLocallyAs Undocumented
Method cachedRemotelyAs No summary
Method cacheLocally (internal)
Method cacheRemotely XXX
Method connectionFailed Undocumented
Method connectionLost The connection was lost.
Method connectionReady Initialize. Called after Banana negotiation is done.
Method decCacheRef (internal) Send a DECACHE directive.
Method dontNotifyOnDisconnect No summary
Method expressionReceived Evaluate an expression as it's received.
Method localObjectForID Get a local object for a locally unique ID.
Method newLocalID No summary
Method newRequestID No summary
Method notifyOnConnect No summary
Method notifyOnDisconnect No summary
Method notifyOnFail No summary
Method pauseProducing Undocumented
Method proto_answer (internal) Got an answer to a previously sent message.
Method proto_cachemessage Undocumented
Method proto_decache (internal) Decrement the reference count of a cached object.
Method proto_decref (internal) Decrement the reference count of an object.
Method proto_didNotUnderstand Respond to stock 'didNotUnderstand' message.
Method proto_error (internal) Deal with an error.
Method proto_message Undocumented
Method proto_uncache (internal) Tell the client it is now OK to uncache an object.
Method proto_version Protocol message: (version version-number)
Method registerPageProducer Undocumented
Method registerReference Store a persistent reference to a local object and map its id() to a generated, session-unique ID.
Method remoteForName Returns an object from the remote name mapping.
Method remotelyCachedForLUID No summary
Method resumeProducing Called when the consumer attached to me runs out of buffer.
Method sendCall Utility method to send an expression to the other side of the connection.
Method sendDecRef (internal) Send a DECREF directive.
Method serialize Jelly an object according to the remote security rules for this broker.
Method setNameForLocal Store a special (string) ID for this object.
Method stopProducing Undocumented
Method unserialize Unjelly an sexp according to the local security rules for this broker.
Class Variable factory Undocumented
Class Variable username Undocumented
Class Variable version Undocumented
Instance Variable connects Undocumented
Instance Variable currentLocalID Undocumented
Instance Variable currentRequestID Undocumented
Instance Variable disconnected Undocumented
Instance Variable disconnects Undocumented
Instance Variable failures Undocumented
Instance Variable jellyArgs Undocumented
Instance Variable jellyKw Undocumented
Instance Variable jellyMethod Undocumented
Instance Variable locallyCachedObjects Undocumented
Instance Variable localObjects Undocumented
Instance Variable localSecurity Undocumented
Instance Variable luids Undocumented
Instance Variable maxBrokerRefsViolations Undocumented
Instance Variable pageProducers Undocumented
Instance Variable remotelyCachedLUIDs Undocumented
Instance Variable remotelyCachedObjects Undocumented
Instance Variable remoteSecurity Undocumented
Instance Variable security Undocumented
Instance Variable serializingPerspective Undocumented
Instance Variable unserializingPerspective Undocumented
Instance Variable waitingForAnswers Undocumented
Method _recvMessage Received a message-send.
Method _sendAnswer (internal) Send an answer to a previously sent message.
Method _sendError (internal) Send an error for a previously sent message.
Method _sendFailure Log error and then send it.
Method _sendFailureOrError Call _sendError or _sendFailure, depending on whether fail represents an Error subclass or not.
Method _sendMessage Undocumented
Instance Variable _localCleanup Undocumented

Inherited from Banana (via Broker):

Method callExpressionReceived Undocumented
Method connectionMade Called when a connection is made.
Method dataReceived Called whenever data is received.
Method gotItem Undocumented
Method sendEncoded Send the encoded representation of the given object:
Method setPrefixLimit Set the prefix limit for decoding done by this protocol instance.
Class Variable incomingVocabulary Undocumented
Class Variable outgoingVocabulary Undocumented
Instance Variable buffer Undocumented
Instance Variable currentDialect Undocumented
Instance Variable isClient Undocumented
Instance Variable knownDialects These are the profiles supported by this Banana implementation.
Instance Variable listStack Undocumented
Instance Variable outgoingSymbolCount Undocumented
Instance Variable outgoingSymbols Undocumented
Instance Variable prefixLimit Undocumented
Method _encode Undocumented
Method _selectDialect Undocumented
Instance Variable _largestInt Undocumented
Instance Variable _largestLongInt Undocumented
Instance Variable _smallestInt Undocumented
Instance Variable _smallestLongInt Undocumented

Inherited from Protocol (via Broker, Banana):

Method logPrefix Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance.

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via Broker, Banana, Protocol):

Method makeConnection Make a connection to a transport and a server.
Instance Variable connected Undocumented
Instance Variable transport Undocumented

Inherited from Ephemeral (via Broker, Banana, Protocol, BaseProtocol):

Method __getstate__ Undocumented
Method __reduce__ Serialize any subclass of Ephemeral in a way which replaces it with Ephemeral itself.
Method __setstate__ Undocumented
Instance Variable __class__ Undocumented
def getCollection(self, name, domain, password, callback, errback): (source)
