class documentation

class Process: (source)

Constructor: Process(uid, gid)

Implements interfaces: twisted.application.service.IProcess

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Process running parameters.

Sets up uid/gid in the constructor, and has a default of None as processName.

Method __init__ Set uid and gid.
Class Variable processName A str giving the name the process should have in ps (or None to leave the name alone).
Instance Variable gid An int giving the group id as which the process should run (or None to leave the GID alone).
Instance Variable uid An int giving the user id as which the process should run (or None to leave the UID alone).
def __init__(self, uid=None, gid=None): (source)

Set uid and gid.

uidThe user ID as whom to execute the process. If this is None, no attempt will be made to change the UID.
gidThe group ID as whom to execute the process. If this is None, no attempt will be made to change the GID.
processName = (source)

A str giving the name the process should have in ps (or None to leave the name alone).

An int giving the group id as which the process should run (or None to leave the GID alone).

An int giving the user id as which the process should run (or None to leave the UID alone).