class documentation

Internet Relay Chat server protocol.

Method action Send an action to a channel or user.
Method channelMode Send information about the mode of a channel.
Method connectionMade Called when a connection is made.
Method dataReceived This hack is to support mIRC, which sends LF only, even though the RFC says CRLF. (Also, the flexibility of LineReceiver to turn "line mode" on and off was not required.)
Method handleCommand Determine the function to call for the given command and call it with the given arguments.
Method irc_unknown Called by handleCommand on a command that doesn't have a defined handler. Subclasses should override this method.
Method join Send a join message.
Method names Send the names of a channel's participants to a user.
Method notice Send a "notice" to a channel or user.
Method part Send a part message.
Method privmsg Send a message to a channel or user
Method sendCommand Send to the remote peer a line formatted as an IRC message.
Method sendLine Undocumented
Method sendMessage Send a line formatted as an IRC message.
Method topic Send the topic to a user.
Method topicAuthor Send the author of and time at which a topic was set for the given channel.
Method who Send a list of users participating in a channel.
Method whois Send information about the state of a particular user.
Class Variable encoding Undocumented
Instance Variable buffer Undocumented
Instance Variable channels Undocumented
Instance Variable hostname Undocumented
Method _escapeTagValue Escape the given tag value according to escaping rules in IRCv3.
Method _stringTags Converts a tag dictionary to a string.
Method _validateTags Checks the tag dict for errors and raises ValueError if an error is found.

Inherited from Protocol:

Method connectionLost Called when the connection is shut down.
Method logPrefix Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance.
Class Variable factory Undocumented

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via Protocol):

Method makeConnection Make a connection to a transport and a server.
Instance Variable connected Undocumented
Instance Variable transport Undocumented
def action(self, sender, recip, message): (source)

Send an action to a channel or user.

sender:str or unicodeWho is sending this message. Should be of the form username!ident@hostmask (unless you know better!).
recip:str or unicodeThe recipient of this message. If a channel, it must start with a channel prefix.
message:str or unicodeThe action being sent.
def channelMode(self, user, channel, mode, *args): (source)

Send information about the mode of a channel.

user:str or unicodeThe user receiving the name list. Only their nickname, not the full hostmask.
channel:str or unicodeThe channel for which this is the namelist.
mode:strA string describing this channel's modes.
*argsAny additional arguments required by the modes.
def connectionMade(self): (source)

Called when a connection is made.

This may be considered the initializer of the protocol, because it is called when the connection is completed. For clients, this is called once the connection to the server has been established; for servers, this is called after an accept() call stops blocking and a socket has been received. If you need to send any greeting or initial message, do it here.

def dataReceived(self, data): (source)

This hack is to support mIRC, which sends LF only, even though the RFC says CRLF. (Also, the flexibility of LineReceiver to turn "line mode" on and off was not required.)

def handleCommand(self, command, prefix, params): (source)

Determine the function to call for the given command and call it with the given arguments.

command:bytesThe IRC command to determine the function for.
prefix:bytesThe prefix of the IRC message (as returned by parsemsg).
params:listA list of parameters to call the function with.
def irc_unknown(self, prefix, command, params): (source)

Called by handleCommand on a command that doesn't have a defined handler. Subclasses should override this method.

def join(self, who, where): (source)

Send a join message.

who:str or unicodeThe name of the user joining. Should be of the form username!ident@hostmask (unless you know better!).
where:str or unicodeThe channel the user is joining.
def names(self, user, channel, names): (source)

Send the names of a channel's participants to a user.

user:str or unicodeThe user receiving the name list. Only their nickname, not the full hostmask.
channel:str or unicodeThe channel for which this is the namelist.
names:list of str or unicodeThe names to send.
def notice(self, sender, recip, message): (source)

Send a "notice" to a channel or user.

Notices differ from privmsgs in that the RFC claims they are different. Robots are supposed to send notices and not respond to them. Clients typically display notices differently from privmsgs.

sender:str or unicodeWho is sending this message. Should be of the form username!ident@hostmask (unless you know better!).
recip:str or unicodeThe recipient of this message. If a channel, it must start with a channel prefix.
message:str or unicodeThe message being sent.
def part(self, who, where, reason=None): (source)

Send a part message.

who:str or unicodeThe name of the user joining. Should be of the form username!ident@hostmask (unless you know better!).
where:str or unicodeThe channel the user is joining.
reason:str or unicodeA string describing the misery which caused this poor soul to depart.
def privmsg(self, sender, recip, message): (source)

Send a message to a channel or user

sender:str or unicodeWho is sending this message. Should be of the form username!ident@hostmask (unless you know better!).
recip:str or unicodeThe recipient of this message. If a channel, it must start with a channel prefix.
message:str or unicodeThe message being sent.
def sendCommand(self, command, parameters, prefix=None, tags=None): (source)

Send to the remote peer a line formatted as an IRC message.

command:unicodeThe command or numeric to send.
parameters:A tuple or list of unicode parametersThe parameters to send with the command.
prefix:unicodeThe prefix to send with the command. If not given, no prefix is sent.
tags:dict of tags (unicode) => values (unicode)A dict of message tags. If not given, no message tags are sent. The dict key should be the name of the tag to send as a string; the value should be the unescaped value to send with the tag, or either None or "" if no value is to be sent with the tag.
See Also
def sendLine(self, line): (source)


def sendMessage(self, command, *parameter_list, **prefix): (source)

Send a line formatted as an IRC message.

First argument is the command, all subsequent arguments are parameters to that command. If a prefix is desired, it may be specified with the keyword argument 'prefix'.

The sendCommand method is generally preferred over this one. Notably, this method does not support sending message tags, while the sendCommand method does.

def topic(self, user, channel, topic, author=None): (source)

Send the topic to a user.

user:str or unicodeThe user receiving the topic. Only their nickname, not the full hostmask.
channel:str or unicodeThe channel for which this is the topic.
topic:str or unicode or NoneThe topic string, unquoted, or None if there is no topic.
author:str or unicodeIf the topic is being changed, the full username and hostmask of the person changing it.
def topicAuthor(self, user, channel, author, date): (source)

Send the author of and time at which a topic was set for the given channel.

This sends a 333 reply message, which is not part of the IRC RFC.

user:str or unicodeThe user receiving the topic. Only their nickname, not the full hostmask.
channel:str or unicodeThe channel for which this information is relevant.
author:str or unicodeThe nickname (without hostmask) of the user who last set the topic.
date:intA POSIX timestamp (number of seconds since the epoch) at which the topic was last set.
def who(self, user, channel, memberInfo): (source)

Send a list of users participating in a channel.

user:str or unicodeThe user receiving this member information. Only their nickname, not the full hostmask.
channel:str or unicodeThe channel for which this is the member information.
memberInfo:list of tuplesFor each member of the given channel, a 7-tuple containing their username, their hostmask, the server to which they are connected, their nickname, the letter "H" or "G" (standing for "Here" or "Gone"), the hopcount from user to this member, and this member's real name.
def whois(self, user, nick, username, hostname, realName, server, serverInfo, oper, idle, signOn, channels): (source)

Send information about the state of a particular user.

user:str or unicodeThe user receiving this information. Only their nickname, not the full hostmask.
nick:str or unicodeThe nickname of the user this information describes.
username:str or unicodeThe user's username (eg, ident response)
hostname:strThe user's hostmask
realName:str or unicodeThe user's real name
server:str or unicodeThe name of the server to which the user is connected
serverInfo:str or unicodeA descriptive string about that server
oper:boolIndicates whether the user is an IRC operator
idle:intThe number of seconds since the user last sent a message
signOn:intA POSIX timestamp (number of seconds since the epoch) indicating the time the user signed on
channels:list of str or unicodeA list of the channels which the user is participating in
encoding: str | None = (source)



channels: list = (source)


hostname = (source)


def _escapeTagValue(self, value): (source)

Escape the given tag value according to escaping rules in IRCv3.

value:strThe string value to escape.
strThe escaped string for sending as a message value
def _stringTags(self, tags): (source)

Converts a tag dictionary to a string.

tagsThe tag dict passed to sendMsg.
unicodeIRCv3-format tag string
def _validateTags(self, tags): (source)

Checks the tag dict for errors and raises ValueError if an error is found.

tagsThe tag dict passed to sendMsg.