class documentation


Method __init__ No summary
Method logOff Sign off.
Class Variable gatewayType A str that identifies the protocol used by this account.
Instance Variable channels Undocumented
Method _startLogOn Start the sign on process.

Inherited from AbstractAccount:

Method __getstate__ Get state, adding a version number to it on its way out.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method getGroup Group factory.
Method getPerson Person factory.
Method isOnline Undocumented
Method logOn Log on to this account.
Method upgrateToVersion2 Undocumented
Class Variable persistanceVersion Undocumented
Instance Variable accountName No summary
Instance Variable autoLogin No summary
Instance Variable client Undocumented
Instance Variable host No summary
Instance Variable password No summary
Instance Variable port No summary
Instance Variable username No summary
Method _cb_logOn Undocumented
Method _clientLost Undocumented
Method _loginFailed Errorback for logOn.
Class Variable _groupFactory A Callable that will return a IGroup appropriate for this account type.
Class Variable _personFactory A Callable that will return a IPerson appropriate for this account type.
Instance Variable _groups Undocumented
Instance Variable _isConnecting Whether I am in the process of establishing a connection to the server.
Instance Variable _isOnline Whether I am currently on-line with the server.
Instance Variable _persons Undocumented

Inherited from Versioned (via AbstractAccount):

Method __setstate__ Undocumented
Method versionUpgrade (internal) Do a version upgrade.
Class Variable persistenceForgets Undocumented
Class Variable persistenceVersion Undocumented
Instance Variable __dict__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, accountName, autoLogin, username, password, host, port, channels=''): (source)
accountName:stringA name to refer to the account by locally.
gatewayType: str = (source)

A str that identifies the protocol used by this account.

channels: list = (source)


def _startLogOn(self, chatui): (source)

Start the sign on process.

Factored out of logOn.

Deferred interfaces.IClientUndocumented