class documentation

class ContactsList: (source)

Constructor: ContactsList(chatui)

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A GUI object that displays a contacts list.

Method __init__ No summary
Method contactChangedNick Update your contact information to reflect a change to a contact's nickname.
Method registerAccountClient Notify the user that an account client has been signed on to.
Method setContactStatus Inform the user that a person's status has changed.
Method unregisterAccountClient Notify the user that an account client has been signed off or disconnected from.
Instance Variable chatui The GUI chat client associated with this contacts list.
Instance Variable clients The signed-on clients.
Instance Variable contacts The contacts.
Instance Variable onlineContacts The contacts who are currently online (have a status that is not OFFLINE).
def __init__(self, chatui): (source)
chatui:ChatUIThe GUI chat client associated with this contacts list.
def contactChangedNick(self, person, newnick): (source)

Update your contact information to reflect a change to a contact's nickname.

person:IPerson providerThe person in your contacts list whose nickname is changing.
newnick:strThe new nickname for this person.
def registerAccountClient(self, client): (source)

Notify the user that an account client has been signed on to.

client:IClient providerThe client being added to your list of account clients.
def setContactStatus(self, person): (source)

Inform the user that a person's status has changed.

person:IPerson providerThe person whose status has changed.
def unregisterAccountClient(self, client): (source)

Notify the user that an account client has been signed off or disconnected from.

client:IClient providerThe client being removed from the list of account clients.

The GUI chat client associated with this contacts list.

clients: list of IClient providers = (source)

The signed-on clients.

contacts: dict mapping str to a IPerson provider = (source)

The contacts.

onlineContacts: dict mapping str to a IPerson provider = (source)

The contacts who are currently online (have a status that is not OFFLINE).