class documentation

class BasicCredentialFactory: (source)

Constructor: BasicCredentialFactory(authenticationRealm)

Implements interfaces: twisted.web.iweb.ICredentialFactory

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Credential Factory for HTTP Basic Authentication

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method decode Parse the base64-encoded, colon-separated username and password into a credentials.UsernamePassword instance.
Method getChallenge Return a challenge including the HTTP authentication realm with which this factory was created.
Class Variable scheme A str giving the name of the authentication scheme with which this factory is associated. For example, 'basic' or 'digest'.
Instance Variable authenticationRealm The HTTP authentication realm which will be issued in challenges.
def __init__(self, authenticationRealm): (source)


def decode(self, response, request): (source)

Parse the base64-encoded, colon-separated username and password into a credentials.UsernamePassword instance.

def getChallenge(self, request): (source)

Return a challenge including the HTTP authentication realm with which this factory was created.

A str giving the name of the authentication scheme with which this factory is associated. For example, 'basic' or 'digest'.

authenticationRealm: bytes = (source)

The HTTP authentication realm which will be issued in challenges.