class documentation

class Project: (source)

Constructor: Project(directory)

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A representation of a project that has a version.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method getVersion No summary
Instance Variable directory A twisted.python.filepath.FilePath pointing to the base directory of a Twisted-style Python package. The package should contain a file and a newsfragments directory that contains a README file.
def __init__(self, directory): (source)


def __repr__(self) -> str: (source)


def getVersion(self): (source)
A incremental.Version specifying the version number of the project based on live python modules.
directory = (source)

A twisted.python.filepath.FilePath pointing to the base directory of a Twisted-style Python package. The package should contain a file and a newsfragments directory that contains a README file.