class documentation

A smart host which uses ESMTP managed relayers to send messages from the relay queue.

Instance Variable factory A callable which creates a factory for creating a managed relayer. See ESMTPManagedRelayerFactory.__init__ for parameters to the callable.

Inherited from SmartHostSMTPRelayingManager:

Method __getstate__ Create a representation of the non-volatile state of this object.
Method __init__ Initialize a smart host.
Method __setstate__ Restore the non-volatile state of this object and recreate the volatile state.
Method checkState Check the state of the relay queue and, if possible, launch relayers to handle waiting messages.
Constant PORT The port over which to connect to the SMTP server.
Instance Variable fArgs Positional arguments for SMTPManagedRelayerFactory.__init__.
Instance Variable fKwArgs Keyword arguments for SMTPManagedRelayerFactory.__init__.
Instance Variable managed A mapping of factory for a managed relayer to filenames of messages the managed relayer is responsible for.
Instance Variable maxConnections See __init__.
Instance Variable maxMessagesPerConnection See __init__.
Instance Variable mxcalc A resource for mail exchange host lookups.
Instance Variable queue See __init__.
Method _cbExchange Initiate a connection with a mail exchange server.
Method _checkStateMX Undocumented
Method _ebExchange Prepare to resend messages later.
factory: callable which returns ESMTPManagedRelayerFactory = (source)

A callable which creates a factory for creating a managed relayer. See ESMTPManagedRelayerFactory.__init__ for parameters to the callable.