class documentation

Code shared with other (non-POSIX) reactors for management of outgoing TCP connections (both TCPv4 and TCPv6).

In order to be functional, this class must be mixed into the same hierarchy as _BaseBaseClient. It would subclass _BaseBaseClient directly, but the class hierarchy here is divided in strange ways out of the need to share code along multiple axes; specifically, with the IOCP reactor and also with UNIX clients in other reactors.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method getHost Returns an IPv4Address or IPv6Address.
Method getPeer Returns an IPv4Address or IPv6Address.
Instance Variable addr The address that this socket will be connecting to.
Instance Variable connector The Connector which is driving this _BaseTCPClient's connection attempt.
Instance Variable createInternetSocket Subclasses must implement this as a method to create a python socket object of the appropriate address family and socket type.
Instance Variable _addressType The Twisted _IPAddress implementation for this client
Instance Variable _requiresResolution Undocumented
def __init__(self, host, port, bindAddress, connector, reactor=None): (source)
def __repr__(self) -> str: (source)


def getHost(self): (source)

Returns an IPv4Address or IPv6Address.

This indicates the address from which I am connecting.

def getPeer(self): (source)

Returns an IPv4Address or IPv6Address.

This indicates the address that I am connected to.

addr: If IPv4, a 2-tuple of (str host, int port). If IPv6, a 4-tuple of (str host, int port, int ignored, int scope). = (source)

The address that this socket will be connecting to.

connector = (source)

The Connector which is driving this _BaseTCPClient's connection attempt.

createInternetSocket: 0-argument callable returning socket._socketobject. = (source)

Subclasses must implement this as a method to create a python socket object of the appropriate address family and socket type.

The Twisted _IPAddress implementation for this client

_requiresResolution: bool = (source)
